Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Three Is A Magic Number

It's been three days now since my third marathon, and I have to say that I feel pretty good.  I definitely found the right balance between training and staying healthy and uninjured.

The Marine Corps (Forward) Marathon was very well organized, with water, sports drinks and often a snack or two available at every other mile.  The course was very close to what I was already running - at some point, you can't run around this base without having done it before - so I knew what to expect.  And the temperatures were cold - in the high 40s at 5 when I left for work, and probably in the low 50s a couple of hours later, so I ran with a sweatshirt without a problem.

Around mile twenty, I was dragging my feet a bit when the right shoe snagged a rock, sending me sprawling to the ground.  Today, my left knee and right elbow are still very sore, and I am sure that if I had not tripped and fallen that I would be feeling even better.  I am glad that I was able to get right back up and keep running, though.  We did have a couple of twisted ankles on the course.

I ran the second half faster than the first, although I can't tell you what my pace was because I wasn't keeping track.  I knew that I was doing very well, but didn't want to push it just to get a PR - again, not injuring myself was a big priority.

It turns out that I crossed the finish line at 4 hours and 22 minutes, 19 seconds.  That's a PR!!  My first marathon was 4 hours, 24 minutes, so I definitely have a good, maintained pace on flat terrain.

I felt good enough to PT with the Chiefs and First Class Petty Officers the next morning, even though my legs were sore.  I did a chest workout that Monday afternoon as well.  I took Tuesday off, and today I did a cardio workout and will hit my back and biceps this afternoon.  I will likely try a few miles on Friday or Saturday.  All in all, I am very, VERY excited about not just finishing the race, but how my training has paid off in being able to function afterwards.  I feel very positive about the possibility of finishing a 40 miler.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Insufferable Runner

A great Facebook post by a friend today pointed out an article by a blogger (author unknown) who writes for Wait But Why on "7 Ways to be Insufferable on Facebook".

Pretty sure this blog falls under Region A - statuses that serve the author.  I could (and do) claim that when things calm down a bit here I am either stalking our mini-fridge (or worse, the Chaplain's full-sized refrigerator next door) or something equally unproductive, so a bit of writing practice helps pass the time.  
But, for the most part, this is about me running.

Time to make a change and try to steer this towards a positive angle.  I have been toying with the idea of running for a cause for a few months now.  The Marine Corps (Forward) Marathon is just ten days away, and it will be the bellwether to tell me if I have the chops to run 40 miles before I proclaim this feat to the world.  I ran a slow 20 miles yesterday, and feel pretty good today, which is making me think that I can actually do this.

The kick-off for my fundraiser will start when I get back home from deployment. More on that later.  

Concerns: minor stiffness and aches in my left leg, mostly in the retinaculum (the tendon that crosses over the top part of the foot) and in my knee.  Also, my shoes are near their breaking point - there is a large hole in the left shoe, on the side, about the size of a quarter.  I don't want to buy new shoes out here, just to get them filthy with moon dust.  I can ride it out for another month.

Good stuff: moderate soreness during the day, but literally none the day after for long runs greater than 15 miles.  My 9 mile runs are fairly pain-free.  

Extra: My weight is steady at around 170, and I've been holding now for over 4 months, with only minor variations.  Body fat is going down according to my taping results, so that means that my upper body workouts are adding some muscle, and I'm not losing it from running.  Very happy about that.  

Even more extra: got to get back into a regular posting schedule.  While I'm working on it, seriously...check out Wait But Why.  I really like the graphics that accompany his blog.